Tool to Compress, Convert, Edit PDFs and More
Use smallpdf.com to compress, convert, edit PDFs, etc.
Apps for Photo Organization
These are the primary apps I've considered or tried for photo organization. More detail is available below. Adobe Bridge* Adobe LightRoom Adobe Elements Mac Photos* Google Photos* Dropbox* Forever * Products I currently use Mac Photos I use iCloud Photos which syncs photos across my phone and MacBook. Then I use the Photos app on Mac to do the first round of curation. I use the Favorites feature a lot so it’s easier to curate in Photos rather than having to find the favorites again in another organization app. Round 1: I put albums by Year/By Month and separate Personal from other stuff SmartAlbum criteria: By month Not in an…
Fitness and Gyms
30 Day Challenges 30 Day Squat Challenge - I started this with Nicole and got about halfway through but never finished the challenge 30 Day Burpee Challenge 30 Day Plank Challenge Gyms 24 Hour Fitness - Not too happy with this gym right now. We're a member of the PQ Gym by Stater Brothers. It is always super hot in there. The best treadmills are closest to the door because there is a fan and you don't get trapped by the pool with the heat from the machines and sweaty people and you're not overwhelmed by the smell of chlorine. Also, they reduced their hours so it's not 24 hours…
I’ve learned it’s better to get rid of the stuff because then, you are forced to buy what you actually need and will enjoy.
I hate shopping too. I’ve learned it’s better to get rid of the stuff because then, you are forced to buy what you actually need and will enjoy. For instance, if I have a raggedy black tshirt, I’ll keep wearing it until I replace it, which would never happen because I don’t like to shop. But if I get rid of the raggedy shirt, then I’m forced to buy a new one if I really need it. Group: The KonMari Method
Running and Chatting about Main Stream Media, Trump and COVID
Here’s the problem, a lot of people don’t realize they are watching biased media. I went for a run and was talking to a very good friend of mine yesterday. She is smart, went to Stanford and is an infectious disease doctor. All her patients are COVID patients. Yesterday, she asked what I thought about Kamala. For the first time in 5 years, I told her I am conservative and a Trump supporter. I told her how the MSM skews his words, takes things out of context, etc. She said, I don’t watch main stream media. I only read New York Times and Washington Post! Another thing is she asked…
Long Run – 14 miles @ De Anza Cove with Lucy
AT/LSD Combo Run11 miles easy + 3 miles @ AT pace (7:26-7:32) It did not go well today. I want to blame the heat, but it was hard from the get-go and I never felt good during the run. Ran this with Lucy. We started at DeAnza Cove and ran counterclockwise finishing at Fiesta Island. This was the day we talked about politics and I finally told her I’m a conservative and Trump supporter.
Why I still give my cell phone number instead of doing everything from my CRM
Right now, I switch them over but I am debating the same thing. I like seeing when my message is Delivered or Read if the recipient has an iPhone. Also, other things aren’t easy from the FUB mobile app such as sending videos, BombBomb integration, sending locations from Apple and Google maps, etc. I just talked myself into continuing to use my cell phone number. These are the same reasons I got away from Google Voice for a separate business cell phone number. I can’t send contact cards or group text either. Group: Follow Up Boss Success Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/followupbosscommunity/permalink/2949305908509451/
6x 1:00 Hill Sprints on Mannix
2.25 warmup, 6x 1:00 hill sprints, then run got cut short Clear, 66°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 86%, Wind 5mph from NW – by Klimat.app 6x 1:00 hill sprints on Mannix. Starts at lap 4. Would probably have done one more and missed cooldown too but run got cut short due to a family issue. Rob called because his blood sugar was 52. Normal range is 70-100.
A Reflection of My Burnout The Last Few Months
This was an email I wrote to my coach. I had been burnt out and unmotivated. Here was my findings and I wanted to save it here for future reference. The Email Analysis I did 177 points today. You would think I would be thrilled for being so productive but the problem is, I can’t delineate and stop. Then I didn’t start my run till 8 pm and I’m out running in the dark again. Then I get angry with myself. And I get burnt out. But that’s why I have to get out of the house. It gives me a starting and stopping point. At least I can see…
July 2020 The World Today Gallery
July 2020 The World Today Gallery
June 2020 The World Today Gallery
June 2020 The World Today Gallery